The Internal Audit Department (Internal Audit) shall provide Michigan State University administrators and Trustees with an independent and objective evaluation of the effectiveness, efficiency, and application of the accounting, financial, and other internal controls necessary to accomplish University objectives in compliance with University policies and procedures, regulatory requirements, and sound business practices.
(Performance Standards 2130: Control and 2110: Governance)
Internal Audit conducts reviews of University records and operations and reports the results of these reviews to management, including the President, and to the Audit Committee of the Board of Trustees. In fulfilling its responsibility to assist the President, Audit Committee, and University administrators in the effective discharge of their responsibilities, Internal Audit is committed to providing independent, objective, and timely service to its customers, as well as responding to their requests for consulting and other services, and to adding value to and improving the University’s operations. Internal Audit helps the University accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes. Internal Audit conducts its projects in accordance with the Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing and Code of Ethics issued by The Institute of Internal Auditors. In addition, Internal Audit adheres to University policies and procedures.
(Attribute Standard 1111: Direct Interaction with the Board; Performance Standard 2100: Nature of Work).
The Director of Internal Audit and the Internal Audit staff are authorized to:
The Director of Internal Audit and the Internal Audit staff are not authorized to:
To provide for the independence of the Internal Audit Department, Internal Audit staff report to the Director of Internal Audit, who shall report administratively and functionally to the President with a dotted line to the Audit Committee.
(Attribute Standard 1110.A1: Organizational Independence)
The Director of Internal Audit and the Internal Audit staff have a responsibility to:
The scope of Internal Audit encompasses the examination and evaluation of the adequacy and effectiveness of the University’s systems of internal control to achieve the stated goals and objectives of Michigan State University. The scope includes:
Individual University staff members are urged to contact Internal Audit directly or use the Misconduct Hotline (800-763-0764) or submit a report online to report financial or operating irregularities, compliance issues, or areas of doubt and concern. The identity of any employee making such contact will be kept confidential if so requested by the employee. Fiscal Misconduct Reporting Guidelines are located at
A written report will be prepared and issued by the Director of Internal Audit or designee following the conclusion of each audit. A copy of each audit report will be forwarded to the President and to other affected parties. The Director of Internal Audit will prepare quarterly reports that include a summary of significant findings, which will be forwarded to the Audit Committee after review by the President.
The Director of Internal Audit or designee will include in the audit report the auditee’s response and corrective action taken or to be taken in regard to the specific findings and recommendations. Management’s response should include a timetable for anticipated completion of the corrective action to be taken and an explanation for any recommendations not addressed by corrective action. Internal Audit shall be responsible for appropriate follow-up on audit findings and recommendations.
Audit work of Internal Audit shall be performed in accordance with Generally Accepted Auditing Standards endorsed by the Institute of Internal Auditors in Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing. (Attribute Standard 1200: Proficiency and Due Professional Care)
Members of Internal Audit are responsible to maintain the high standards of conduct, independence, and character necessary to provide proper and meaningful internal auditing for the University.
Approved September 6, 2012, by Lou Anna K. Simon, President, George Perles, Audit Committee Chair and Thomas N. Luccock, Director of Internal Audit
(Attribute Standard 1000, 1000.A1: Purpose, Authority, and Responsibility; 1010: Recognition of the Definition of Internal Auditing, the Code of Ethics, and the Standards in the Internal Audit Charter)